The Ultimate Shortcut to Attracting More of Your BEST Clients
When it comes to your digital strategy, the moves you make today put you on a trajectory - good or bad.
If you're a gambler, you might take your chances with some educated guesses or more trial and error. Yet, We'd like to offer you a shortcut to making the next best moves for your legal practice.

We've implemented unique strategies over the past decade to help law firms achieve record-breaking lead volume, lower their cost per client, dominate search, and more.

Let's take 45 minutes or so to discuss your specific situation and goals, and together we'll identify an action plan on-the-spot to accelerate your success.

There's no cost or obligation, just our way of introducing ourselves and providing value to law firms like yours. Book your call now.
How to fast-track your firm's digital success
While there are many ways to grow your practice and revenue, it can be hard to decide on the best use of your time and budget.
Hi I'm Anthony Tanner, CEO and Founder of Sterling Talon and Attorney War Room. My team and I have been helping law firms use digital marketing to maximize their success for over a decade.

From record-breaking lead volume, top search rankings, and the lowest cost-per-client to years worth of growth generated within weeks, our clients depend on us to fast track their success.
If you represent an established or growing firm, I'd like to invite you to book a call with me or someone on my team to discuss your situation and goals. Together, we'll create a plan you can implement yourself or have our team of experts help you with.
Either way, you'll walk away with clarity and a valuable action plan to accelerate your success.
Click the "Book Call" button below to schedule your call...
Anthony Tanner, CEO and Founder,
Sterling Talon | Attorney War Room

Whether you're a solo attorney or part of a firm, you probably want to...
But right now, your reality looks more like this...
  • ​    Get more quality leads and more of your best clients
  • ​    Get the biggest bang for your marketing buck
  • ​    Stand out in a crowded, highly-competitive market
  • ​     Rank better on Google and other places online
  • ​    ​Turn your website into a lead generation machine
  • ​     Grow your firm and personal brand recognition
  • ​     Attract more referrals, fast.
  • ​    Building a steady steam of qualified leads is a struggle — inquiries are far and few between
  • ​    You've already spent a big chunk of your marketing budget and haven't seen the results you hoped
  • ​    You've heard so much conflicting advice that you just don't know who to trust, or what to focus on in your marketing 
  • ​     You're so busy servicing your current clients that you just don't have time for marketing...
  • ​    Even though you know the right strategy would be a game-changer.


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